Friday, October 7, 2011

We should at least try...

It's hard to begin. People say just take the first step, and then it will get easier. It seems to be true. I have already typed a line of words, and I could probably keep going for a while. But I do want to recognize how hard that first step actually is. I would say it's about 20% of the journey.

Once you start, you just have to keep going. I want to get started. I want to at least try. I actually think we should give it all we've got. Make better choices throughout the day. Realize that you don't have to work for every cause that's out there. We just have to look at our lives and make better choices.

We let our choices happen to us. We don't have a strong opinion about something, so we just let the choice be made for us.

Let's try. Just today. Let's pick up the fallen pen. Let's hold the door. Let's let the car merge in front of us. Let's tip well. That's what I think should be our revolution. Let's just vote with our choices. Let's go to the specialty stores that are a little pricier, but give back to our community. Let's just try to do better.

I choose to smile more. I choose to give people the benefit of the doubt. We need to stop judging each other. I want to remember that I make mistakes daily, and I am trying. I need to start recognizing that other people are out there trying and they are also making mistakes daily. I need to remember that we are all just trying to make it.

So lets try.